Trio's Pups - 2 Weeks Old
All the pups from this exciting litter have been sold! Call or email today to be placed on the
waiting list for future litters.
Click to view puppies - Newborn & 10 Days Old
Click to view puppies - 3 Weeks Old
Click to view puppies - 4 Weeks Old
Click to view puppies - 5 Weeks Old
Click to view puppies - 6 Weeks Old
Click to view puppies - 7 Weeks Old

"No, I won't open my eyes and
look at the camera!!!
...and you can't make me!!"

Female - Head
Birth time & weight: 4:27 a.m. 12 oz.
Current weight: 2 lb. 15 oz.
Eyes opened 6/10/05
Female - Back
Birth time & weight: 5:15 a.m. 12.5 oz.
Current weight: 2 lb. 15.5 oz.
Eyes opened 6/10/05
Female - Tail
Birth time & weight: 11:00 a.m. 15.5 oz.
Current weight: 2 lb. 13 oz.
Eyes opened 6/10/05
Male - Neck
Birth time & weight: 11:06 p.m. 12.5 oz.
Current weight: 3 lb. 4.5 oz.
Eyes opened 6/10/05
Male - Left Shoulder
Birth time & weight: 11:45 p.m. 15 oz.
Current weight: 3 lb. 8.5 oz.
Eyes opened 6/12/05
Male - Right Shoulder
Birth time & weight: 1:45 a.m. 13 oz.
Current weight: 3 lb. 5.5 oz.
Eyes opened 6/12/05
Male - Left Hip
Birth time & weight: 3:33 a.m. 13 oz.
Current weight: 3 lb. 5.5 oz.
Eyes opened 6/11/05
Male - Right Hip
Birth time & weight: 5:50 a.m. 16 oz.
Current weight: 3 lb. 12 oz.
Eyes opened 6/10/05
Trio and the pups are all doing well. Over the past several days, the pups are starting to stand up
on their little legs. At first they would take a step or two and then fall over, but with each day
they are getting better about taking those first few steps on their little legs! They've just discovered
their "voices" over the last day or two....little growls, yelps and even a little bark or two. To say
that they are all adorable is an understatement!! I just love watching them. Lots of new adventures
await them over the next few weeks....their first outing outdoors, their first food, their first walk to the pond!!
Copyright & copy 2005 Vicky Lane Trainor